Category: News

  • Urban Canopy Deficit

    Urban Canopy Deficit

    As many have seen recently, our urban canopy has been dramatically reduced. Some of the trees are old and need to be downed for safety reasons. Others are diseased and have to be removed. Additionally one of the largest numbers of trees are being removed by landlords and homeowners. The result is reduced shade that is not…

  • Meeting with INI Greenfield

    Meeting with INI Greenfield

    Normal Heights for Smart Growth met with the developer to discuss potential modifications to the Mars Hotel Project given that the proposed parcels are not in a TPA and therefore not eligible for variances to the Municipal Code under the Complete Communities Plan. We shared the concerns that the community has shared with us. We…

  • Project Noncompliance Confirmed

    Project Noncompliance Confirmed

    We have obtained documentation that, on August 24, MTS confirmed in correspondence with DSD that there was never a plan to run two #11 buses along Adams Avenue. DSD has no basis to claim that the parcels identified for the Mars Hotel Project are in a TPA. The project is noncompliant until the developer revises…

  • Clarification to DSD

    Clarification to DSD

    We were informed that Sand Diego Development Services Department (DSD) plans to approve the Mars Hotel Project based on a misinterpretation of the 2015/2019 SANDAG Regional Transit Plan (RTP). According to this misinterpretation, two #11 buses were planned to run along Adams Avenue as of 2015.

  • NHCPG Followup Letter

    NHCPG Followup Letter

    Last night the NHCPG voted 5 to 3 to send a follow up letter to the city asking that they: a) Request that the developer resubmit the Mars Project in accordance with underlying City of San Diego Municipal Code for the parcel – not the incorrect Complete Communities Plan and b) Update the draft Complete…

  • Meeting with Mayor’s Office

    Meeting with Mayor’s Office

    Normal Heights for Smart Growth met with city representation from the offices of Mayor Todd Gloria, Councilmember Stephen Whitburn, and Councilmember Sean Elo-Rivera and presented the technical analysis showing that the site of the proposed Mars Project is not within a TPA and therefore does not qualify for variances in height, density, parking, or developer…

  • TPA Map Updated

    TPA Map Updated

    The Planning Department updated their Transit Priority Area (TPA) map based on the current Regional Transit Plan (RTP; adopted 12/10/2021). It is important to note that this RTP was in effect at the time of the developer’s application and his TPA analysis must be consistent with this plan. It is now clear that on the…

  • AABA Sends Letter

    AABA Sends Letter

    The Adams Avenue Business Association (AABA) sends letter to Councilmembers Whitburn and Elo-Rivera and Mayor Gloria opposing the Mars Project emphasizing the project is outside a TPA.

  • Meeting with City Officials

    Meeting with City Officials

    Normal Heights residents hold a community meeting with Ryan Darsey, Dir. Of Community Engagement for Councilmember Stephen Whitburn to present evidence that the Mars Project, as planned, is unlawful and how without adequate infrastructure improvements (streets, sewer, water, fire, transit, and parks) it would be detrimental to new and existing residents. President of the Adams…

  • Permits Applied For

    Permits Applied For

    The developer has applied for permits. He did not use the address for DiMille’s but another, adjacent address. It is urgent that we sign the petition and write and call our representatives to let know we expect them to require the developer to #followtherules. (Click on the links under How You Can Help below.) We…