Author: Paul Coogan

  • Meeting with City Officials

    Meeting with City Officials

    Normal Heights residents hold a community meeting with Ryan Darsey, Dir. Of Community Engagement for Councilmember Stephen Whitburn to present evidence that the Mars Project, as planned, is unlawful and how without adequate infrastructure improvements (streets, sewer, water, fire, transit, and parks) it would be detrimental to new and existing residents. President of the Adams…

  • Permits Applied For

    Permits Applied For

    The developer has applied for permits. He did not use the address for DiMille’s but another, adjacent address. It is urgent that we sign the petition and write and call our representatives to let know we expect them to require the developer to #followtherules. (Click on the links under How You Can Help below.) We…

  • Unplugged Festival Success

    Unplugged Festival Success

    Our booth at the Adams Avenue Unplugged festival was a huge success! We were able to collect over 100 new signatures and engage others on the poor fit between current housing code and the proposed Mars Project. If you missed us and want to sign the petition it is super easy with the online form.…

  • NHCPG to Write Letter

    NHCPG to Write Letter

    The Normal Heights Community Planning Group (NHCPG) passed the following motion by a vote of 5 for, 0 against, 3 abstain: to publicly oppose the Mars Project Development planned for the NW corner of 35th and Adams as currently proposed based on the following 3 issues: DIFs, Parking, and Height